Pharma and ESG: the Patient Perspective

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Pharma Report 2024



Environmental, Social, and Governance’ (ESG) factors have, in recent decades, become increasingly used alongside financial results as a measure of corporate performance. ‘ESG’ was introduced by the United Nations Global Compact Office in 2005 to ensure that companies consider not just profitability, but also the planet’s sustainability. ESG is generally taken to mean: Environment (E); Social/society (S); and Governance (G).

To test pharma’s reputation at ESG, PatientView has been conducting, over the last three years, an annual survey of patient groups globally. The survey aims to collate patient opinions on the ESG practices of pharma companies.

PatientView is pleased to announce that 701 patient groups responded to the 2024 survey. The ESG report will be published on February 28th 2025.

  • Click here to read the press release in your language

  • Click here to read the sample report. 

This independent study by PatientView examines patient-group opinions on the pharmaceutical industry’s performance (and that of 40 individual pharma companies) at ESG* strategies during 2024, including your organisation’s views on:

  • Whether pharma’s ESG goals and strategies have any impact on YOUR patient group.
  • Your patient group’s understanding of whether pharma’s ESG goals and strategies have any impact on the public (that is, ON SOCIETY IN GENERAL). And, finally …
  • How you would like pharma to ENGAGE with YOUR patient group on the subject of pharma and ESG.

You will be entitled to a free copy of the full results of this survey upon their publication, if you wish to receive them.

This survey has 5 questions about your organisation, and 10 main questions about your opinions on pharma and ESG. When you reach the end of the questionnaire, please click the “Submit” button to send it.

PatientView’s previous ESG survey, run between July and October 2023, received responses from 832 patient groups interested in the subject of ESG and pharma. The respondent patient groups covered 173 therapy areas from across 79 countries.

The size and breadth of the patient-group response to the survey reflects the growing awareness and importance of ESG to the patient groups that interact with the pharma industry (and to the patients these patient groups represent).


For more information or to request the published report, contact us below:


