
Pharma & Healthcare

PatientView provides the pharmaceutical industry with unique knowledge, tools and mechanisms needed to bridge the gap between patients and industry.

“Patients’ health always comes first, and which is why working with patient representatives as equal partners helps us to better understand and speak with one voice regarding the needs of patient communities as well as drive patient-centric innovations across our organization. Your insights and feedback from the PatientView survey truly help us to focus on areas that we can improve on to enable us to become better partners in your future.”

Eva Bretschneider, Head, Patient Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement, Bayer AG

“Building trust is essential to our partnerships with the communities we serve. PatientView helps us to understand the opinions of those we work alongside and how we can move closer to becoming a trusted partner. We know that we need to listen and learn and walk this journey together.

The insights generated are also critical for patient communities, allowing them to make informed decisions about which companies to collaborate with in order to improve the well-being of their communities.”

Alex Kalomparis, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Gilead

“The voice of the patient is the driving force in everything we do at Horizon. PatientView’s study has provided us with valuable information around what is most important to patient groups and how Horizon can most effectively support them.

This study gives us a better understanding of what we are doing well and where we can improve as we work to address the needs of people impacted by rare, autoimmune and severe inflammatory diseases.”

Matt Flesch, Vice President, Communications and Patient Advocacy, Horizon Therapeutics / Amgen

"At Pfizer, our purpose is focused on patients: breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. As Pfizer’s Vice President of Patient Advocacy, my role is to ensure that the patient voice is embedded at the core of everything we do and our colleagues around the world work hand in hand with patients, caregivers, and patient advocacy groups to meet the needs of patients everywhere, every day.

Your participation in the PatientView survey will help us better serve the needs of patients and advance our shared goal of helping our communities live longer, healthier and more productive lives."

Emma Andrews, Vice President Patient Advocacy, Pfizer
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What we do

We work with one of the most important forces in healthcare: the Patient Movement.

■ Two decades of experience
■ Independent research
■ Database of 40,000 patient groups worldwide
■ Working in 23 languages
■ Analyses based on geographic regions and therapy areas
■ Feedback from 2400+ patient groups in 2024; a record number
■ An extensive evidence base of patient-group views
■ Identifying strategic actions for individual companies
■ This year, PatientView received a record 2,500+ survey responses from patient groups across the world.

The views of patients and patient groups are becoming more central to every action that pharmaceutical companies take—from selecting which treatments address patients’ unmet needs, to co-creating user-friendly patient information.

Patients and patient groups accordingly need a platform to share their opinions on the pharmaceutical industry, and to offer up their ideas about how individual pharmaceutical companies can improve.

Featured report

What Companies Say

Alongside PatientView's 2023/24 annual survey, pharma provided their own perspectives on patient-group relationships — based on their own experiences, and with their own case studies — as part of this new report.

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